Within her local church Cheryl runs a weekly sewing group "Ballydown Sewing Bees" and from time to time the ladies enjoy fellowship together with additional outings that involve shopping trips for craft supplies and Christmas dinner.
This year lockdown forced the kind-hearted ladies of the sewing group to put thier skills to the test with many offering to make and sew masks and items of clothing in the form of scrub tops, trousers and gowns in collaboration with the NI Scrubs initiative for keyworkers and hospital staff accross Northern Ireland.
We are so grateful for each lady that gave up their time to get involved! - at one point there were over 30 volunteers sewing for #teamStitches :o
Watch this video at 8:49 - 14:23 to learn more about everything that was supplied from the hardwork and effort of these dedicated ladies!
In addition to sewing for NI Scrubs our ladies produced approximately 2,750 masks which were sold at a small price of £1 to cover cost of fabric and supplies. With your generous giving we are delighted to be able to make an initial donation of £1,000 to Ballydown Presbyterian Church which will be split equally between Banbridge Foodbank and charities supporting the Beirut blast.
T H A N K Y O U!

Currently, there are still a small number of ladies sewing and should you require a facemask they are still available - please feel free to get in touch with Cheryl.